BR Software PixFiler v5.0.12 英文正式版(數位照片分類和共享軟體,還可以為照片集建立Web頁面) 安裝序號:
序號產生器放至於keygen夾內 內容說明:
CD光碟。它還可以為照片集建立Web頁面,列印縮略圖等。PixFiler支援EXIF數據, 並可以
調整照片尺寸。支援20種圖片格式。 英文說明:
Do you have a digital camera or a scanner? Or do your business have
many digital photos you need to keep track of? I'm sure you noticed
that keeping track on all those digital photos isn't always easy.
PixFiler Picture Organizer will make this easier.
It will locate and display your photos in just seconds. It will read
most image formats,even raw files from most digital cameras,no matter
if they are stored on your hard disk or on a CD or DVD.And it doesn't
slow down as your photo collection grows.Several 10,000s is no problem
for PixFiler Picture Organizer. 相關商品:
S K Software MyLanViewer v4.14.2 英文正式版(局域網掃描軟體)
Pelikan Software priPrinter Professional v5.0.0.1430 英文正式版(程式列印軟體)
S K Software MyLanViewer v4.13.1 英文正式版(局域網掃描軟體)
HiTek Software Website DORM v1.5 英文正式版(網站監控軟體)
Pelikan Software priPrinter Professional v5.6.0.2060 英文正式版(打印預覽和虛擬打印機軟體)
Port80 Software ServerMask v3.0.2 for IIS 英文正式版(減少網路被攻擊軟體)
MP Software Agama Web Buttons v2.68 英文正式版(web按鈕製作軟體)