本合輯是由thepixellab機構出品的超過500個C4D材質包合輯,The Pixel Lab Material Pack for
Cinema 4D,大小:488 MB,支援Cinema 4D軟體,包含超過500個材質共設計師選擇進行
The Pixel Lab Material Pack for Cinema 4D
I’m extremely excited to introduce The Pixel Lab “Material Pack!” Over 500 C4D
to help you speed up your workflow and focus on being creative! The textures
are organized into the
following categories: Alpha Overlays, Everyday Color, Fabric/Leather,
Glass/Transparent/Ice, Luminance,
Metal, Misc., Paper/Cardboard, Patterns/Tiles, Rubber/Plastic,
Stone/Concrete/Dirt and Wood. It’
s a .lib4d file so you can load these textures into your Cinema 4D Content
Browser and easily access them at any time!